ISSN: 1648 - 4460

International Journal of Scholarly Papers


Transformations  in
Business & Economics

Transformations in
Business & Economics

  • © Vilnius University, 2002-2021
  • © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2021
  • © University of Latvia, 2002-2021
About Author
Joseph Pilotta,
  PhD, is an internationally recognized sociologist and theoretician as well as practitioner of communication science. The area of his research interests includes phenomenological sociology and communication; contemporary USA, European and Chinese social and political theory; cross-cultural communication; social research methodology; communication and technology; economic innovations; contemporary Chinese philosophy, phenomenological philosophy etc. Prof. Pilotta is a disciple of the famous researchers of the 20th century: philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer and the originator of media research Marshall McLuhan. He is an author of over 20 monographs and science books, over 70 research articles, as well as of over 100 papers presented in national, regional and international conferences. Prof. Pilotta is also a Senior editor or member of editorial boards of many international research journals as well as winner of about 10 national and international prizes for research, lecturing and consulting activities.
Editorial correspondence:

Scholarly papers Transformations in Business & Economics
Kaunas Faculty
Vilnius University
Muitinės g. 8
Kaunas, LT-44280



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