ISSN: 1648 - 4460

International Journal of Scholarly Papers


Transformations  in
Business & Economics

Transformations in
Business & Economics

  • © Vilnius University, 2002-2013
  • © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2013
  • © University of Latvia, 2002-2013
Kuriame Lietuvos ateitį
Promoting National and International Scientific Events
Title of the International Conference: Education Culture and Society - Nowadays Challenges
Type of the International Conference: 2nd Symposium of Social Sciences and Humanities PhD Students
Organiser(s): Organized by: the Department of Education (; Department of Psychology ( of the University of Wrocław (; as well as the University of Third Age in the University of Wrocław ( and the Foundation "Pro Scientia Publica" (
Main topics of the International Conference: Representants of all the branches of social sciences and humanities can take part in the conference to speak about the nowadays challenges of:
  • Education;
  • Culture;
  • Society.
Language: The conference official language is English
Date: 14th - 17th October, 2013
Main deadlines: Conference registration will close on 31st December 2012
Registration fee must be paid before 10th January 2013
The deadline for sending manuscripts is 31st January 2013
The deadline for sending abstracts of presentations is 30th June 2013
Venue: Wroclaw (Poland), at the University of Wroclaw – Uniwersytecki Square 1 Aula Leopoldina.
Contact: The secretary of the conference: Jacek Gulanowski
Conference Web Site:

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Title of the International Conference: 8th European Conference Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Ecie 2013
Type of the International Conference: 8th European Conference

Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited (ACPI)
Hogeschool-Universteit Brussels (HUB).

Main topics of the International Conference:

An addition to the main conference topics:

  • Approaching the Cliff: New Frontiers for Entrepreneurship.
  • Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
  • Entrepreneurship, innovation and internationalization.
  • Innovation in the Public Sector.
  • Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies.
  • Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
  • Employee driven innovation and workplace Learning.
  • Business/innovation ecosystem for emerging industries.
Language: The conference language is English.
Date: 19th -20th of September, 2013
Main deadlines:

Abstract submission deadline: 15th March,2013
Notification of abstract acceptance: 15th March,2013
Full paper due for review: 18th April, 2013
Notification of paper acceptance (with any requested changes): 27th June, 2013
Earlybird registration closes: 11th July, 2013
Final paper due (with changes): 25th July, 2013
Final author payment date: 13th August, 2013

Venue: Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel (HUB), Campus Brussel - Hermes, T'Serclaes & Erasmus, Warmoesberg 26, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.

Your contacts for this conference are:

  • Academic enquiries (Prof. D.Remenei).
  • Submission enquiries (Ch.Hall).
  • Registration enquiries (Ch.Walters).
  • Other enquiries (M.Butler).
Conference Web Site:

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Title of the International Conference: History of Trade in Belarus (Since Ancient Times Till the End of the XX Century): Problems of Study and Prospects of Research
Type of the International Conference: International theoretical and practical conference
  • The National academy of sciences of Belarus, Institute of History;
  • MENKA (national consulting company).
Main topics of the International Conference:

Planed topics of the conference:

  • Sources and methodology of studying trade in Belarus.
  • Trade development and origins: from primitive society to beginning of statehood.
  • Forms of organization of trade in Belarus in historical retrospection (bargaining, fairs, shops, pedlery, hypermarkets etc.).
  • Variety of goods for wholesale and retail trade in the area in IX – XX centuries.
  • Socioeconomic conditions of trade. Law in trade.
  • Trade in daily life: a salesman and a customer in social, religious and national dimension, relationships between the participants of trade: standards of conduct, conflicts, irregularities etc.
  • History of foreign and internal trade, customs service and taxation.
  • Geographical areas of trade: international, regional and local trade.
  • Trade and urbanistics: impact of trading activities on the organization of space in settlements and development of architecture.
  • Infrastructure of trade and provision of trading activities (conditions of transport and utility lines, weights and measures systems etc.).
  • Trade and monetary-financial system: interference and  interdependency.
  • Associated services in trade.
  • Consumer cooperation.
Language: Conference languages: Belarusian, Russian, Polish and English.
Date: 14th –15th of November, 2013
Main deadlines: Applications for participation and synopses of reports: 15th September 2013 Confirmation of your participation: 15th October 2013
Venue: 1, Academicheskaya Str., History Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Republic of Belarus
Contact: Scientific matters (Rogneda Olekhnovich). Organizational matters (Kate Dubik).
Conference Web Site:

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Title of the International Conference: 6th European Conference On Intellectual Capital Ecic 2014
Type of the International Conference: 6th European Conference
Organiser(s): Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited (ACPI).
Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, Trnava Slovak University of Technology
Main topics of the International Conference:

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Productivity related intellectual capital management.
  • IC and sustainability.
  • Intellectual capital as a resource based business strategy.
  • Human capital management.
  • Disclosing intangibles.
  • Intellectual capital and the economy.
  • The effect of communities of practice on intellectual capital.
  • Measuring and developing financial, social and environmental values in organizations (Triple Bottom Line).
  • Linking intellectual capital management and corporate social responsibility.
  • Social and Cultural Capital.
  • Business and competitive intelligence and intellectual capital.
  • Intellectual capital and entrepreneurial performance.
  • Measurement of intellectual capital.
  • Future innovative intellectual capital management and practical solutions and implementations.
  • Best practice in managing Intellectual Capital.
  • Intellectual Capital in Network Organisations.
  • Intellectual Capital and Transfer Pricing.
Language: The conference official languages is English.
Date: 10th-11th April, 2014
Main deadlines:

Abstract submission deadline: 19th September,2013
Notification of abstract acceptance: 26th September,2013
Full paper due for review: 7th November, 2013
Notification of paper acceptance: 16th January, 2014
Earlybird registration closes: 30th January, 2014
Final paper due (with changes): 13th February, 2014
Final author payment date: 6th March, 2014

Venue: Slovak University of Technology - Faculty of Materials Science and Technology (STU MFT), Paulínska 16, Trnava, Slovak Republic

Your contacts for this conference are:

  • Academic enquiries Prof. D.Remenei.
  • Submission enquiries Ch.Hall.
  • Registration enquiries Ch.Walters.
  • Other enquiries M.Butler.
Conference Web Site:

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Editorial correspondence:

Scholarly papers Transformations in Business & Economics
Kaunas Faculty
Vilnius University
Muitinės g. 8
Kaunas, LT-44280



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