ISSN: 1648 - 4460

International Journal of Scholarly Papers


Transformations  in
Business & Economics

Transformations in
Business & Economics

  • © Vilnius University, 2002-2011
  • © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2011
  • © University of Latvia, 2002-2011
About Author
Waclaw Jarmolowicz
, Prof. Zw. Dr. Hab., is employed at Poznan University of Economics (Poland) and specializes in the theory of economics (mainly regarding macroeconomics) and economic policy (especially regarding labour management). He is an author and co-author of around 250 scientific and educational publications, as well as over a dozen of scientific monographs. Moreover, he is a co-author (together with M. Knapinska) of the scientific monograph titled “Polityka państwa na rynku pracy w warunkach transformacji i integracji gospodarczej” [State Policy on Labour Markets under the Conditions of Transformation and Economic Integration], Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej in Poznań, Poznań, 2005. Also known for his social activities in the Polish Economic Society, he is Member of the Poznań Society of Friends of Science. He has developed vast contacts with the practical economy world as a consultant, mediator and expert for companies and institutions, including those of the state and local authorities.
Editorial correspondence:

Scholarly papers Transformations in Business & Economics
Kaunas Faculty
Vilnius University
Muitinės g. 8
Kaunas, LT-44280



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