Transformations in
Business & Economics
- © Vilnius University, 2002-2006
- © Brno University of Technology, 2002-2006
- © University of Latvia, 2002-2006
Problems in Transdisciplinary Personal Education of Staff Workers in Assisting Professions: The Lessons from the Czech Republic
Jarmila Klugerová, Pavel Hradecký
ABSTRACT. This paper analyses trans-disciplinary personal education of staff members in assist profession in the European Union (EU) and in particular in the Czech Republic. In our contemporary modern society, requirements for the qualification and professionalism of experts are steadily increasing. Not only new educational trends in the area of psychosocial science put accent on the expertise of each worker, but also require amplification of knowledge and skills in the area of personal training.
The integration of the Czech Republic into the structures of the EU brings new perspectives and demands into the education of persons, working in assisting positions (teachers, doctors, psychologists, social workers, priests etc.), what corresponds to the demand of floating trans-disciplinary personal education.
In pedagogical and educational professions, there are typical requirements for a wider social significance that give a true picture of staff activity in assist professions and determine its character. Humanistic society puts the accent on educational-instructional goals. Man with his interests and needs are the final criterion as well as a starting point in any educational process.
The crucial part of our project is the creation of a basic module for trans-disciplinary personal education of workers in assisting professions. The Module was divided into five sub-modules based on the analysis of the researched data. The basic module was originally created for special pedagogy but it exceeds ranges of system of special schools and in correspondence with contemporary trends of integrative pedagogy, can be applied on all graduates working in assisting professions. Our proposal aims to eliminate absence of this area in the National Educational Politics in the Czech Republic.
The additional intent of our project is to establish appropriate conditions for professional and personal development of educators, to upgrade the quality of their life and to outline precautions against the “burn-out syndrome”.
The presented project fulfils the ideas of the “Lifelong Learning Memorandum“ and should contribute to the consolidation of professional and personal qualities of workers in the psycho-social field and to upgrade the quality of their life in this context with request for lifelong learning.
KEYWORDS: special pedagogy, staffing, lifelong learning, trans-disciplinary education, integrative pedagogy, the Czech Republic.
JEL classification: I21, A2, P2.